
英語の質疑応答で困ったらSpeaking Dictionary

1744 最も好きな教科は?What was your favorite subject in school?- Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1744 最も好きな教科は?What was your favorite subject in school?- Speaking Dictionary 2023/8/9 3:322024/6/6 9:541743 海派?山派?Do you prefer a beach or mountain vacation? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1743 海派?山派?Do you prefer a beach or mountain vacation? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/8/9 3:342024/6/6 10:021742 旅行して1番良かった場所は?What was your favorite place you've traveled to? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1742 旅行して1番良かった場所は?What was your favorite place you've traveled to? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/7/24 1:172024/6/6 10:031741 最初の仕事は何だった?What was your first job? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1741 最初の仕事は何だった?What was your first job? - Speaking Dictionary2023/8/9 3:322024/6/6 10:041740 1番嫌だった仕事は?What was the worst job you ever had? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1740 1番嫌だった仕事は?What was the worst job you ever had? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/8/9 3:322024/6/6 10:041739 退職したらどこに住みたい?Where do you see yourself living when you retire? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1739 退職したらどこに住みたい?Where do you see yourself living when you retire? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/8/9 3:342024/6/6 10:051738 出会い系アプリを使うのは浮気?Is it cheating to message other people on dating apps? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1738 出会い系アプリを使うのは浮気?Is it cheating to message other people on dating apps? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/9 9:122024/6/6 10:061737 日曜日は何してる?What do you do on Sundays? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1737 日曜日は何してる?What do you do on Sundays? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/5 14:352024/6/6 10:061736 最大の技術的変化は何だった?What has been the biggest technological change in your lifetime? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1736 最大の技術的変化は何だった?What has been the biggest technological change in your lifetime? - Speaking Dictionary 2022/2/6 7:382024/6/6 10:071735 外国に住んだことある?Have you ever lived in another country? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1735 外国に住んだことある?Have you ever lived in another country? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/4 9:342024/6/6 10:071734 どんな人が好き?What kind of people do you like? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1734 どんな人が好き?What kind of people do you like? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/5 14:352024/6/6 10:071733 どんな人が嫌い?What kind of people do you not like? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1733 どんな人が嫌い?What kind of people do you not like? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/4 11:422024/6/6 10:071732 あなたのお父さんはどんな人?What's your father like? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1732 あなたのお父さんはどんな人?What's your father like? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/4 9:332024/6/6 10:081731 あなたのお母さんはどんな人?What's your mother like? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1731 あなたのお母さんはどんな人?What's your mother like? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/5 15:412024/6/6 10:081730 PCやネットのデメリットは?What are some of the disadvantages of computers and the Internet? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1730 PCやネットのデメリットは?What are some of the disadvantages of computers and the Internet? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/5 15:412024/6/6 10:081729 頬へのキスは浮気?Is it cheating to kiss someone else on the cheek? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1729 頬へのキスは浮気?Is it cheating to kiss someone else on the cheek? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/9 9:122024/6/6 10:091728 暇なときどう過ごす?How do you spend your free time? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1728 暇なときどう過ごす?How do you spend your free time? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/4 9:332024/6/6 10:091727 あなたの趣味は?What are your hobbies? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1727 あなたの趣味は?What are your hobbies? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/4 11:422024/6/6 10:101726 子供の頃の1番の思い出は?Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood. - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1726 子供の頃の1番の思い出は?Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood. - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/4 9:332024/6/6 10:101725 兄弟はいる?Do you have brothers and sisters? Are they older or younger than you? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1725 兄弟はいる?Do you have brothers and sisters? Are they older or younger than you? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/4 9:342024/6/6 10:101724 あなたの長所は?What are your biggest strengths? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1724 あなたの長所は?What are your biggest strengths? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/5 15:412024/6/6 10:111723 あなたの短所は?What are your biggest weaknesses? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1723 あなたの短所は?What are your biggest weaknesses? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/10 14:302024/6/6 10:111722 あなたの人生で特別な人は?Who are the special people in your life? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1722 あなたの人生で特別な人は?Who are the special people in your life? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/10 15:012024/6/6 10:111721 どんなペットを飼ったことがある?What pets have you had? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1721 どんなペットを飼ったことがある?What pets have you had? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/13 3:092024/6/6 10:121720 食べれないものは?Is there anything you don’t eat? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1720 食べれないものは?Is there anything you don’t eat? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/13 3:082024/6/6 10:121719 毎晩の長電話は浮気?Is spending long hours on the phone with someone else every night cheating? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1719 毎晩の長電話は浮気?Is spending long hours on the phone with someone else every night cheating? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/9 7:282024/6/6 10:181718 親友のことを聞かせて?Tell us about your closest friends. - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1718 親友のことを聞かせて?Tell us about your closest friends. - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/10 15:012024/6/6 10:191717 最も尊敬してる人は?Who do you respect the most? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1717 最も尊敬してる人は?Who do you respect the most? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/6 7:382024/6/6 10:191716 最後に夢中になった本は?What was the last book you really got into? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1716 最後に夢中になった本は?What was the last book you really got into? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/10 15:012024/6/6 10:191715 最後に夢中になった映画は?What was the last movie you really got into? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1715 最後に夢中になった映画は?What was the last movie you really got into? - Speaking Dictionary 2022/2/13 6:562024/6/6 10:191714 若い世代はインドアすぎる?Do you think young people spend too much time on their phones and in the house compared to earlier generations? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1714 若い世代はインドアすぎる?Do you think young people spend too much time on their phones and in the house compared to earlier generations? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/5 15:412024/6/6 10:201713 今までで最高のアドバイスは?What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1713 今までで最高のアドバイスは?What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/13 3:082024/6/6 10:201709 留学経験はある?,Have you studied abroad before? If so, how was it? If not, where do you want to study, if possible?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1709 留学経験はある?Have you studied abroad before? If so, how was it? If not, where do you want to study, if possible? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/7 4:392024/6/6 10:211708 なぜ英語を学ぶの?Why are you learning English? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1708 なぜ英語を学ぶの?Why are you learning English? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/18 17:552024/6/6 10:221707 英語学習暦は?スピーキングに自信はある?,b,How long have you been learning English? Are you confident in speaking? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1707 英語学習暦は?スピーキングに自信はある?How long have you been learning English? Are you confident in speaking? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/18 18:172024/6/6 10:221705 パートナーとの理想の出会いは?,b,What situation do you think is the best to first meet your would-be partner? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1705 パートナーとの理想の出会いは?What situation do you think is the best to first meet your would-be partner? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/29 19:032024/6/6 10:221704,b, 英語を学ぶことは大切?Do you think learning English is important? Why? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1704 英語を学ぶことは大切?Do you think learning English is important? Why? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/21 17:272024/6/6 10:221703,b, Instagramを使ったことある?Have you ever used Instagram before? If so, how do you like it? If not, why? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1703 Instagramを使ったことある?Have you ever used Instagram before? If so, how do you like it? If not, why? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/21 17:312024/6/6 10:221,b,687 あなたの性格を教えて?Can you describe a side of you that's pretty obvious, and also a side that we've never seen before? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1687 あなたの性格を教えて?Can you describe a side of you that's pretty obvious, and also a side that we've never seen before? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/29 19:032024/6/6 10:231685,b, 今後10年以内に実現したい夢は?What's a dream that you'd like to accomplish within the next 10 years? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1685 今後10年以内に実現したい夢は?What's a dream that you'd like to accomplish within the next 10 years? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/29 19:032024/6/6 10:231683,b, 楽しみにしてることは?What are the things that you're excited for, both short term and long term? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1683 楽しみにしてることは?What are the things that you're excited for, both short term and long term? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/13 10:302024/6/6 10:231677,b, 縄文時代にタイムスリップしたら何する?What would you do if you found yourself stepping back into the Jomon era? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1677 縄文時代にタイムスリップしたら何する?What would you do if you found yourself stepping back into the Jomon era? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/29 19:032024/6/6 10:241676,b, あなたは外交的?内向的?Are you extroverted, or introverted? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1676 あなたは外交的?内向的?Are you extroverted, or introverted? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/30 16:162024/6/6 10:241675,b, あなたの変なところは?Is there anything about you that's strange? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1675 あなたの変なところは?Is there anything about you that's strange? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/29 19:032024/6/6 10:241674,b, ハマっていることは?What things do you geek out about? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1674 ハマっていることは?What things do you geek out about? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/21 17:322024/6/6 10:241671,b, 自分の変えたいところは?If you could change a part of yourself, which part would you like to change? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1671 自分の変えたいところは?If you could change a part of yourself, which part would you like to change? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/23 16:222024/6/6 10:241668,b, 地球最後の日、何をする?If the world was to be destroyed tomorrow, how would you spend your last day? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1668 地球最後の日、何をする?If the world was to be destroyed tomorrow, how would you spend your last day? - Speaking Dictionary2022/2/1 15:072024/6/6 10:251667,b, 100億円あったら何する?If you had $100,000,000, how would you spend it? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1667 100億円あったら何する?If you had $100,000,000, how would you spend it? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/29 19:032024/6/6 10:251666,b, 1番ワイルドな経験は?Tell me about your wildest experience. - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1666 1番ワイルドな経験は?Tell me about your wildest experience. - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/23 16:222024/6/6 10:251657,b, 人生における野望は?What’s your ambition in life? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1657 人生における野望は?What’s your ambition in life? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/23 18:462024/6/6 10:251637 家族の中で1番好きな人は?Who is your favorite member of your family or relative? Why do you like them so much? What do you have in common? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1637 家族の中で1番好きな人は?Who is your favorite member of your family or relative? Why do you like them so much? What do you have in common? - Speaking Dictionary2022/7/31 8:212024/6/6 10:261634 1番印象深い年は?What has been your favorite or most significant year in your life until now? Why? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1634 1番印象深い年は?What has been your favorite or most significant year in your life until now? Why? - Speaking Dictionary2022/7/30 13:442024/6/6 10:261627 平日のルーティンは?Describe your daily routine during the week. Is this very different than on the weekends? If so, how? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1627 平日のルーティンは?Describe your daily routine during the week. Is this very different than on the weekends? If so, how? - Speaking Dictionary2022/8/30 12:232024/6/6 10:271622 帰省する頻度は?How often do you visit your hometown? What do you like to do when you are there? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1622 帰省する頻度は?How often do you visit your hometown? What do you like to do when you are there? - Speaking Dictionary2022/7/30 13:412024/6/6 10:271621 どこに住んでるの?Where are you living now? Is it the same place you were born? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1621 どこに住んでるの?Where are you living now? Is it the same place you were born? - Speaking Dictionary2022/7/6 12:582024/6/6 10:281620 仕事以外で同僚と会う?,Do you spend time with your colleagues outside of work? If so, how often? If not, why not,b,? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1620 仕事以外で同僚と会う?Do you spend time with your colleagues outside of work? If so, how often? If not, why not? - Speaking Dictionary2022/7/30 13:412024/6/6 10:281616 質問が理解できないときどうする?You are in a meeting and you’re having trouble understanding what your counterpart is asking you.  You’ve already asked them to repeat the question twice but you still can’t understand.  What should you say? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1616 質問が理解できないときどうする?You are in a meeting and you’re having trouble understanding what your counterpart is asking you.  You’ve already asked them to repeat the question twice but you still can’t understand.  What should you say? - Speaking Dictionary2022/8/30 12:232024/6/6 10:281615 お土産を渡すときなんて言う?You have arrived at an international office with souvenirs. Perhaps, that office is not familiar with what you have brought. Imagine the type of souvenirs you would bring and what you would say as you gave it to them. - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1615 お土産を渡すときなんて言う?You have arrived at an international office with souvenirs. Perhaps, that office is not familiar with what you have brought. Imagine the type of souvenirs you would bring and what you would say as you gave it to them. - Speaking Dictionary2022/8/30 12:232024/6/6 10:281614 リスケしたいときどう伝える?You need to reschedule a meeting with an English speaking colleague at their global office. They don’t speak Japanese. You don’t want to share the reason why you need to reschedule as it’s a bit personal. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1614 リスケしたいときどう伝える?You need to reschedule a meeting with an English speaking colleague at their global office. They don’t speak Japanese. You don’t want to share the reason why you need to reschedule as it’s a bit personal. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary2022/8/30 12:232024/6/6 10:281613 クレーム対応、どう話す?A customer has called and they are very upset about a recent delivery they’ve received from your company. You have answered their call. How do you begin this conversation? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1613 クレーム対応、どう話す?A customer has called and they are very upset about a recent delivery they’ve received from your company. You have answered their call. How do you begin this conversation? - Speaking Dictionary2022/7/31 8:262024/6/6 10:281612 来客へ今日の予定をどう伝える?You are picking up a group of visiting clients from their hotel.  The plan is to go on a factory tour, attend a meeting, then have lunch.  How do you explain this to them? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1612 来客へ今日の予定をどう伝える?You are picking up a group of visiting clients from their hotel.  The plan is to go on a factory tour, attend a meeting, then have lunch.  How do you explain this to them? - Speaking Dictionary2022/8/30 13:322024/6/6 10:291611 顧客との食事代どう伝えて払う?You have just finished dinner with some new clients and you want to pay for the meal. What do you say to your dinner guests? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1611 顧客との食事代どう伝えて払う?You have just finished dinner with some new clients and you want to pay for the meal. What do you say to your dinner guests? - Speaking Dictionary2022/9/30 14:012024/6/6 10:291610 おすすめのお土産を聞きたいYou need to buy some souvenirs to bring back to Japan but you’re not sure what to get from the country you’re visiting. You ask someone at the hotel for advice. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1610 おすすめのお土産を聞きたいYou need to buy some souvenirs to bring back to Japan but you’re not sure what to get from the country you’re visiting. You ask someone at the hotel for advice. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary2022/9/30 14:002024/6/6 10:291609 場所を聞きたいときどうする?You’d like to buy some fruit and cereal for breakfast to eat in your hotel but you don’t know where to go to get it. What do you ask the front desk staff? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1609 場所を聞きたいときどうする?You’d like to buy some fruit and cereal for breakfast to eat in your hotel but you don’t know where to go to get it. What do you ask the front desk staff? - Speaking Dictionary2022/9/30 13:562024/6/6 10:291608 道に迷ったときどうする?You are lost in a new English-speaking city and have no idea where the train station is. How do you ask a person walking by for help? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1608 道に迷ったときどうする?You are lost in a new English-speaking city and have no idea where the train station is. How do you ask a person walking by for help? - Speaking Dictionary 2022/9/30 13:562024/6/6 10:301607 最適なホテルの出発時間を聞きたいIt is your first time in this city and you are nervous about your departure from the hotel and what time you will get to the airport. You want to know how busy the airport is and when the best time is to arrive at the airport. What do you ask at the front desk? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1607 最適なホテルの出発時間を聞きたいIt is your first time in this city and you are nervous about your departure from the hotel and what time you will get to the airport. You want to know how busy the airport is and when the best time is to arrive at the airport. What do you ask at the front desk? - Speaking Dictionary2022/9/30 13:562024/6/6 10:301606 夕食におすすめのお店を聞きたい,You want to go for dinner but you don’t want to go far.  You ask the concierge for advice.  What should you ask?,b, - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1606 夕食におすすめのお店を聞きたいYou want to go for dinner but you don’t want to go far.  You ask the concierge for advice.  What should you ask? - Speaking Dictionary 2022/7/31 8:262024/6/6 10:301605,b, ホテルで予約がないと言われたらどうする?You have arrived at your hotel, but they have no sign of your booking, even though you made it online months ago. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1605 ホテルで予約がないと言われたらどうする?You have arrived at your hotel, but they have no sign of your booking, even though you made it online months ago. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary2021/12/23 18:462024/6/6 10:301604 パートナーと別れたいときどう伝える?,You have been seeing someone for a while and it’s not what you are looking for.  What do you say to them to end the relationship,b,? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1604 パートナーと別れたいときどう伝える?You have been seeing someone for a while and it’s not what you are looking for.  What do you say to them to end the relationship? - Speaking Dictionary2022/9/30 13:562024/6/6 10:301601 初対面のデート。どのように相手か確認する?,You have just met a blind date at a restaurant. You are not sure if it’s them. What do you ask? ,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary🗣️1601 初対面のデート。どのように相手か確認する?You have just met a blind date at a restaurant. You are not sure if it’s them. What do you ask? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:311600 趣味を優先するパートナーになんて言う?Your partner has been prioritizing their free time activities over spending time with you, and it bothers you. How do you begin a conversation like that? ,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary🗣️1600 趣味を優先するパートナーになんて言う?Your partner has been prioritizing their free time activities over spending time with you, and it bothers you. How do you begin a conversation like that? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:311599 バーで話しかけるときの英会話,Imagine you are at a bar and you see a very attractive person you would like to start a conversation with. What do you say?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1599 バーで話しかけるときの英会話Imagine you are at a bar and you see a very attractive person you would like to start a conversation with. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:321598 トイレの場所を聞きたい,You are on break during a meeting at another location. It is your first time there and you’d like to use their washroom. What do you ask?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1598 トイレの場所を聞きたいYou are on break during a meeting at another location. It is your first time there and you’d like to use their washroom. What do you ask? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:321597 オフィスの受付何と言う?,You have arrived at another English-speaking office for a meeting that starts at 10:00 a.m. What do you say to the receptionist?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1597 オフィスの受付何と言う?You have arrived at another English-speaking office for a meeting that starts at 10:00 a.m. What do you say to the receptionist? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:331596 来日した初対面の同僚をどう迎える?,You have just picked up a visiting Canadian colleague from the airport. You have never met them before. What do you say? ,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary🗣️1596 来日した初対面の同僚をどう迎える?You have just picked up a visiting Canadian colleague from the airport. You have never met them before. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:331595 クレーム対応の英会話,An English-speaking customer has called you about a problem but you are not sure how to solve it. You need more time. How should you respond?,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary🗣️1595 クレーム対応の英会話An English-speaking customer has called you about a problem but you are not sure how to solve it. You need more time. How should you respond?- Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:331594 ビジネス電話の英会話,A global business partner has called your office to speak to your colleague, who is not at their desk. What should you say?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1594 ビジネス電話の英会話A global business partner has called your office to speak to your colleague, who is not at their desk. What should you say? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:331593 飲み会での英会話,You are at a dinner with some global colleagues visiting Japan. The meals have been ordered, drinks have been poured, now it’s time for conversation. What can you ask to start some small talk? ,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary🗣️1593 飲み会での英会話You are at a dinner with some global colleagues visiting Japan. The meals have been ordered, drinks have been poured, now it’s time for conversation. What can you ask to start some small talk? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:341592 忘れ物を探すときの英会話,A stroke of terrible luck has happened, you discover that you’ve lost your wallet in a taxi in another country. You try to call the taxi company for help. What do you say?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1592 忘れ物を探すときの英会話A stroke of terrible luck has happened, you discover that you’ve lost your wallet in a taxi in another country. You try to call the taxi company for help. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:341591 奢りたいときの英会話,Imagine you are in a restaurant in Hawaii with your American friend and it comes time to pay. You want to pay for their meal as well as yours. What do you say to your friend?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1591 奢りたいときの英会話Imagine you are in a restaurant in Hawaii with your American friend and it comes time to pay. You want to pay for their meal as well as yours. What do you say to your friend? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/1/1 6:582024/6/6 10:341590 支払いの際の英会話,Imagine you are in a taxi in NYC. Your fare is $15.00 and you had the driver a 20. What will you say to the driver?,h,pink, - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1590 支払いの際の英会話Imagine you are in a taxi in NYC. Your fare is $15.00 and you had the driver a 20. What will you say to the driver? - Speaking Dictionary2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:34 1589 外貨両替したいときの英会話,Imagine you’re in a foreign county, and you are at a money exchange counter. You want to change money into the local currency, Indonesian Rupees. What do you say? ,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary 🗣️ 1589 外貨両替したいときの英会話Imagine you’re in a foreign county, and you are at a money exchange counter. You want to change money into the local currency, Indonesian Rupees. What do you say? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:351588, ,h,pink,不良品を買ってしまったときの英会話,Imagine you bought a new sweater. You took it home and noticed there was a stain on it. When you go back to the store, what do you say? ,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1588 不良品を買ってしまったときの英会話Imagine you bought a new sweater. You took it home and noticed there was a stain on it. When you go back to the store, what do you say? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/1/1 6:562024/6/6 10:361587 会計が違っていた時の英会話,Imagine you are at a restaurant about to pay for the meal you’ve just had. You’ve noticed that your bill says you had 2 bottles of wine, but you only had one. What would you say? ,h,pink,- Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1587 会計が違っていた時の英会話Imagine you are at a restaurant about to pay for the meal you’ve just had. You’ve noticed that your bill says you had 2 bottles of wine, but you only had one. What would you say? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/1/1 7:022024/6/6 10:361586 外国人の雇用に賛成?反対?- Agree or disagree: a company could benefit by hiring more international employees. Why do you feel this way? Explain your opinion with specific reasons. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1586 外国人の雇用に賛成?反対?- Agree or disagree: a company could benefit by hiring more international employees. Why do you feel this way? Explain your opinion with specific reasons. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/8/18 4:082024/6/6 10:36 1585 リモートワークに賛成?反対?Agree or disagree: working remotely is the best way to ensure work life balance and save resources. Give reasons to support your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️ 1585 リモートワークに賛成?反対?Agree or disagree: working remotely is the best way to ensure work life balance and save resources. Give reasons to support your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/1 7:472024/6/6 10:361583 会社経営と会社員どっちがいい?Which is better, running your own business or working for someone else? Why do you think so? Give reasons to explain your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1583 会社経営と会社員どっちがいい?Which is better, running your own business or working for someone else? Why do you think so? Give reasons to explain your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/1 7:562024/6/6 10:371582 大企業と小規模企業どっちで働きたい?Do you think it’s better to work in a large company or a small company? Why do you think so? Explain your ideas with specific reasons. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1582 大企業と小規模企業どっちで働きたい?Do you think it’s better to work in a large company or a small company? Why do you think so? Explain your ideas with specific reasons. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/1 7:562024/6/6 10:371581 仕事において最も重要なことは?What’s the most important element in a job for you; salary, co-workers or the freedom to work independently? Why is this? Explain your ideas. -  Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1581 仕事において最も重要なことは?What’s the most important element in a job for you; salary, co-workers or the freedom to work independently? Why is this? Explain your ideas. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/1 7:572024/6/6 10:371579 週4勤務に賛成?反対?Recently there has been talk of implementing a 4-day work week. Are you a fan of this idea? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1579 週4勤務に賛成?反対?Recently there has been talk of implementing a 4-day work week. Are you a fan of this idea? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/1 7:572024/6/6 10:381578 終身雇用制度は過去のもの?Agree or disagree: lifetime employment in Japan is a “thing of the past”. Why do you feel this way? Give reasons to support your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1578 終身雇用制度は過去のもの?Agree or disagree: lifetime employment in Japan is a “thing of the past”. Why do you feel this way? Give reasons to support your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/15 2:002024/6/6 10:381577 日本人は休みでも休めない?Do you think that Japanese find it difficult to “do nothing” when they are not working? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1577 日本人は休みでも休めない?Do you think that Japanese find it difficult to “do nothing” when they are not working? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/15 2:002024/6/6 10:391576 1番生産性のある時間帯は?What time of day are you most productive? Is this the same on the weekends as during the week? Why do you think so? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1576 1番生産性のある時間帯は?What time of day are you most productive? Is this the same on the weekends as during the week? Why do you think so? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/15 2:002024/6/6 10:39 1575 何年前に戻りたい?If you could travel back in time, which year/decade would you like to visit? Why is this? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️ 1575 何年前に戻りたい?If you could travel back in time, which year/decade would you like to visit? Why is this? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/15 2:002024/6/6 10:391573 忙しいのとゆっくり過ごすのどっちが好き?Are you someone who likes to always be busy or do you prefer to have a more relaxed day? Which do you think is better? Give reasons for your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1573 忙しいのとゆっくり過ごすのどっちが好き?Are you someone who likes to always be busy or do you prefer to have a more relaxed day? Which do you think is better? Give reasons for your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/15 2:002024/6/6 10:401571 朝型?夜型?Are you a morning person or a night owl? Why? Which do you think is better? Give reasons for your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1571 朝型?夜型?Are you a morning person or a night owl? Why? Which do you think is better? Give reasons for your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/15 2:002024/6/6 10:401570 自由な時間があったら何がしたい?If you had more free time, what would you do with it? Is there any skill or hobby you would like to start? If so, what is it? Why? -  Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1570 自由な時間があったら何がしたい?If you had more free time, what would you do with it? Is there any skill or hobby you would like to start? If so, what is it? Why? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/9/15 2:002024/6/6 10:401569 歳を取ると時間が経つのが早い?When we are young, time seems to move so slowly, however, as we get older, time moves really quickly. Do you agree with this? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1569 歳を取ると時間が経つのが早い?When we are young, time seems to move so slowly, however, as we get older, time moves really quickly. Do you agree with this? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/10/16 1:572024/6/6 10:411567 祝儀を渡す日本の慣習に賛成?反対?How do you feel about the Japanese custom of presenting money to a new couple on their wedding day to attend their wedding ceremony? Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1567 祝儀を渡す日本の慣習に賛成?反対?How do you feel about the Japanese custom of presenting money to a new couple on their wedding day to attend their wedding ceremony? Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/12/15 1:432024/6/6 10:411564 お金は使う方が良い?貯める方が良い?Do you think it’s better to spend money and enjoy your life as it unfolds, or should you save all of your money as we can never predict what will happen in the future? Why do you feel this way? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1564 お金は使う方が良い?貯める方が良い?Do you think it’s better to spend money and enjoy your life as it unfolds, or should you save all of your money as we can never predict what will happen in the future? Why do you feel this way? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/12/15 1:432024/6/6 10:411562 お金を稼ぎたい?それとも自由な時間が欲しい?Some people want to earn a lot of money and in order to do so, they don’t mind working many hours and sacrificing their free time. Others prefer to have more free time and as a result earn less money. In your opinion, which working style is better? Give reasons for your opinion.  - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1562 お金を稼ぎたい?それとも自由な時間が欲しい?Some people want to earn a lot of money and in order to do so, they don’t mind working many hours and sacrificing their free time. Others prefer to have more free time and as a result earn less money. In your opinion, which working style is better? Give reasons for your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/12/15 1:432024/6/6 10:411561 西洋の結婚資金はすべて男性が持つべきという考えは公平?In the west, there is a traditional belief that states a bride's family should bear the entire cost of a wedding. Do you think this is fair? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1561 西洋の結婚資金はすべて男性が持つべきという考えは公平?In the west, there is a traditional belief that states a bride's family should bear the entire cost of a wedding. Do you think this is fair? Why or why not? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/12/15 1:432024/6/6 10:411560 夏と冬どっちがお金を使う?When do you tend to spend more money, in summer or in winter? Why do you think that is? Give reasons to explain your ideas.  - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1560 夏と冬どっちがお金を使う?When do you tend to spend more money, in summer or in winter? Why do you think that is? Give reasons to explain your ideas. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/12/15 1:432024/6/6 10:421559 キャッシュレス化が進む日本をどう思う?Recently, Japan has introduced a cashless system that is being heavily promoted by the government. What is your opinion about Japan converting to a fully cashless society? Give reasons for your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1559 キャッシュレス化が進む日本をどう思う?Recently, Japan has introduced a cashless system that is being heavily promoted by the government. What is your opinion about Japan converting to a fully cashless society? Give reasons for your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary 2023/12/15 1:432024/6/6 10:421539 コンサルタントのデメリットは?What are some disadvantages of consultants? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1539 コンサルタントのデメリットは?What are some disadvantages of consultants? - Speaking Dictionary 2023/12/15 1:432024/6/6 10:431538 コンサルタントについてどう思う?What is your opinion of consultants?- Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1538 コンサルタントについてどう思う?What is your opinion of consultants?- Speaking Dictionary 2024/2/20 2:462024/6/6 10:431537 コンサルティングの定義は?What is your definition of “consulting”? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1537 コンサルティングの定義は?What is your definition of “consulting”? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/2/20 2:462024/6/6 10:431532 優れたカスタマーサービスとは?What is excellent customer service? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1532 優れたカスタマーサービスとは?What is excellent customer service? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/2/20 2:462024/6/6 10:431531 カスタマーサービスの定義は?What is your definition of “customer service”? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1531 カスタマーサービスの定義は?What is your definition of “customer service”? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/2/20 2:462024/6/6 10:441529 優秀なセールスパーソンの要素は?What makes a good salesperson? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1529 優秀なセールスパーソンの要素は?What makes a good salesperson? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/2/20 2:462024/6/6 10:441526 どんな同僚が好き?Who's your favorite colleague and why? - Speaking Dictionary 🗣️1526 どんな同僚が好き?Who's your favorite colleague and why? - Speaking Dictionary 2024/2/20 2:462024/6/6 10:441263,b, あなたにとって愛とは?What does love mean to you? - Speaking Dictionary🗣️1263 あなたにとって愛とは?What does love mean to you? - Speaking Dictionary2022/1/29 19:032024/6/6 10:44
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