
1578 終身雇用制度は過去のもの?Agree or disagree: lifetime employment in Japan is a “thing of the past”. Why do you feel this way? Give reasons to support your opinion. - Speaking Dictionary

このページでは英語の質疑応答で ◆返答の一言目の英語が出てこない ◆日本語では浮かぶのに英語では短文 ◆本当は英語で2,3フレーズ喋りたい という方に向けて、 「自分の考え・想いを英語で喋れるようになるための第1歩」として



📈 Analysis まずは質問分析から


Agree or disagree: lifetime employment in Japan is a “thing of the past”. Why do you feel this way? Give reasons to support your opinion.


📖 誰でも実践できる3つのステップ

  • Answer Assistance 回答の手引き
    • 【STEP1】最初の一言目を言えるようになりましょう
    • 【STEP2】もう1フレーズ言えるようになりましょう
    • 【STEP3】もっと長い文章に挑戦しましょう
    • 【おまけ】会話を広げるフレーズ
  • References 参考資料


🙌🏽 Answer Assistance 回答の手引き



  • collapse 崩壊する
  • old fashioned 時代遅れ
  • not only A but also B AだけでなくBも
  • conservative 保守的な
  • by nature 生まれつき
I think the lifetime employment in Japan has already collapsed because the system is too old fashioned not only in Japan but also in other counties such as in U.S., European countries and so on.
I think many companies in Japan are still introducing the lifetime employment because Japanese people are said to be conservative by nature.


  • lazy 怠惰な
  • fire 解雇する
  • deterioration 悪化
  • get used to ~に慣れる
  • beneficial to ~に利がある
  • employer 雇用主
I think the lifetime employment in Japan has already collapsed because the system is too old fashioned not only in Japan but also in other counties such as in U.S., European countries and so on. In the system, people can feel safe and get lazy because they know they will never be fired, which leads to the deterioration of their performances.
I think many companies in Japan are still introducing the lifetime employment because Japanese people are said to be conservative by nature. If we work for the same companies for many years, we can get used to the work and get it done easily, which can be beneficial to both workers and employers.


  • in spite of ~にも関わらず
  • in portion to ~に比例して
  • advantage 利点
  • moreover さらに
  • get attached to ~に愛着がある
  • dedicate 献身する
  • for the sake of ~のために
  • prosperity 繁栄
  • stability 安定
I think the lifetime employment in Japan has already collapsed because the system is too old fashioned not only in Japan but also in other counties such as in U.S., European countries and so on. In the system, people can feel safe and get lazy because they know they will never be fired, which leads to the deterioration of their performances. In spite of such a situation, companies need to pay high salaries in portion to their service years, so there is few advantages for companies.
I think many companies in Japan are still introducing the lifetime employment because Japanese people are said to be conservative by nature. If we work for the same companies for many years, we can get used to the work and get it done easily, which can be beneficial to both workers and employers. Moreover, workers get attached to their companies, so they can dedicate themselves for the sake of the company’s prosperity and stability.
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🎓 【おまけ】会話を広げるフレーズ

How long have you been in your company?
Do you want to switch your job?
What is the retirement age?

📚 References 参考資料
