

「Theme:〇〇〇」と英語のテーマを読み上げてから内容を録音し 北米ネイティブの先生に添削してもらおう!
Day1:夏休みの計画について(About Summer Vacation Plans)
Day2:最近の天気について(Thoughts on Recent Weather)
Day3:最も楽しみな夏のイベント(The Summer Event I'm Most Looking Forward To)
Day4:地元の夏祭りについて(My Local Summer Festival)
Day5:夏のお気に入りの食べ物(My Favorite Summer Foods)
Day6:最近読んだ本について(On the Book I Recently Read)
Day7:最近の夢について(About My Recent Dreams)
Day8:今週の一番の思い出(Best memory of the week)
Day9:最近の健康状態(On My Recent Health)
Day10:子供時代の夢(My Childhood Dreams)
Day11:家族の夏の伝統(My Family's Summer Traditions)
Day12:記憶に残る花火大会(A Memorable Fireworks Display)
Day13:近くの公園について(About The Park Nearby)
Day14:お盆休みについて(About Obon Holidays)
Day15:8月中間報告(August Interim Report)
Day16:子ども時代の夏の思い出(Childhood Summer Memories)
Day17:最近家族と話したこと(Recent Conversations with My Family)
Day18:最近の英語学習(Recent English Learning)
Day19:夏を思い出させるもの(Things That Remind Me of Summer)
Day20:最近嬉しかったこと(What made me happy recently)
Day21:最近直面した挑戦(Recent Challenges I've Faced)
Day22:最近の生活の変化(Changes in My Life Recently)
Day23:理想的な休日(My Ideal Day Off)
Day24:夏のバケーションに行きたい場所(Places I Want to Visit This Summer)
Day25:最近行った旅行について(About a Recent Trip I Took)
Day26:夏の最後の週末の計画(Plans for the Final Weekend of Summer)
Day27:夏に試した新しいこと(New Things I Tried This Summer)
Day28:最近達成した目標(The Goal I Recently Achieved)
Day29:夏の終わりに思うこと(Reflections on the End of Summer)
Day30:次の夏に向けての目標(Goals for Next Summer)
Day1:夏休みの計画について(About Summer Vacation Plans)
For our summer vacation, we're planning a trip to the beach to enjoy some relaxation and fun in the sun. Additionally, we're looking forward to exploring new outdoor activities like hiking and camping as a family. It's a time for us to unwind, bond, and create lasting memories together.
Day2:最近の天気について(Thoughts on Recent Weather)
Day3:最も楽しみな夏のイベント(The Summer Event I'm Most Looking Forward To)
Day3:最も楽しみな夏のイベント(The Summer Event I'm Most Looking Forward To)
Day4:地元の夏祭りについて(My Local Summer Festival)
Day5:夏のお気に入りの食べ物(My Favorite Summer Foods)
Day6:最近読んだ本について(On the Book I Recently Read)
Day7:最近の夢について(About My Recent Dreams)
Day8:今週の一番の思い出(Best memory of the week)
Day9:最近の健康状態(On My Recent Health)
Day10:子供時代の夢(My Childhood Dreams)
Day11:家族の夏の伝統(My Family's Summer Traditions)
Day12:記憶に残る花火大会(A Memorable Fireworks Display)
One memorable fireworks display I experienced was during a summer festival in my hometown. The vibrant colors lighting up the night sky created a magical atmosphere. It was a special moment shared with loved ones, etched in my memory forever.
Day13:近くの公園について(About The Park Nearby)
Day14:お盆休みについて(About Obon Holidays)
During Obon holidays, my family typically visits our ancestral hometown to pay respects to our ancestors and participate in traditional ceremonies. We also enjoy reconnecting with relatives we don't often see and sharing meals together. It's a time of reflection, gratitude, and honoring our heritage.
Day15:8月中間報告(August Interim Report)
Day16:子ども時代の夏の思い出(Childhood Summer Memories)
Day17:最近家族と話したこと(Recent Conversations with My Family)
Day18:最近の英語学習(Recent English Learning)
Recently, I've been focusing on improving my conversational skills in English by practicing with language exchange partners online. Additionally, I've been incorporating more English reading materials into my daily routine to enhance vocabulary and comprehension. It's been a rewarding journey, and I'm excited to continue progressing in my language studies.
Day19:夏を思い出させるもの(Things That Remind Me of Summer)
Day20:最近嬉しかったこと(What made me happy recently)
Day21:最近直面した挑戦(Recent Challenges I've Faced)
Day22:最近の生活の変化(Changes in My Life Recently)
Recently, I've started to prioritize self-care by dedicating time to activities that bring me joy and relaxation, which has helped me feel more balanced and content. Additionally, I've been exploring new ways to enhance my communication skills with my family members, fostering deeper connections and understanding. These changes have brought a sense of renewal and harmony into my life.
Day23:理想的な休日(My Ideal Day Off)
Day24:夏のバケーションに行きたい場所(Places I Want to Visit This Summer)
Day25:最近行った旅行について(About a Recent Trip I Took)
Day26:夏の最後の週末の計画(Plans for the Final Weekend of Summer)
Day27:夏に試した新しいこと(New Things I Tried This Summer)
Day28:最近達成した目標(The Goal I Recently Achieved)
Day29:夏の終わりに思うこと(Reflections on the End of Summer)
Day30:次の夏に向けての目標(Goals for Next Summer)