Day 1: 一番まずい料理は何でしたか?
(What Is the Worst Meal You Ever Cooked?)
Day 2: 父方の祖父母について教えてください。
(Tell Me About Your Grandparent on Your Father’s Side.)
Day 3: 頻繁に美容院に行きますか?
(Do You Go to a Hair Salon Often?)
Day 4: 一番酷いデートは何でしたか?
(What Was the Worst Date You Ever Been On?)
Day 5: ボランティア活動をしたことがありますか?
(Have You Ever Done Volunteer Work?)
Day 6: 秋の季節でお気に入りの場所はどこですか?
(Where Is Your Favorite Place in the Fall Season?)
Day 7: 母方の祖父母について教えてください。
(Tell Me About Your Grandparents on Your Mother’s Side.)
Day 8: あなたのお母さんが好きな3つのことは何ですか?
(What Are Three Things Your Mother Likes?)
Day 9: あなたを緊張させるものは何ですか?
(What Makes You Nervous?)
Day 10: 最後に誰かが助けてくれたのはいつでしたか?
(When Was the Last Time Someone Helped You?)
Day 11: 持ちたくないものは何ですか?
(What Is Something You Never Want to Own?)
Day 12: あなたは両親のどちらかに似ていますか?どちらか、または両方ですか?
(Are You Similar to One or Both of Your Parents?)
Day 13: もし本を書くなら、それは何についてですか?
(If You Wrote a Book, What Would It Be About?)
Day 14: 子供の頃にプレイしたスポーツは何ですか?
(What Sports Did You Play When You Were a Kid?)
Day 15: 苦手なことはありますか?
(Do You Have a Pet Peeve?)
Day 16: コーヒーと紅茶、どちらが好きですか?なぜですか?
(Do You Prefer Coffee or Tea? Why?)
Day 17: 忘れたくない思い出を教えてください。
(Tell Me One Memory You Never Want to Forget.)
Day 18: 子供の頃の学校の給食はどんなものでしたか?
(What Kind of School Lunches Did You Have When You Were a Kid?)
Day 19: 子供の頃に好きだった本はありますか?
(Did You Have a Favorite Book When You Were a Kid?)
Day 20: あなたのお父さんが好きな3つのことは何ですか?
(What Are Three Things Your Father Likes?)
Day 21: あなたに自信を持たせるものは何ですか?
(What Makes You Feel Confident?)
Day 22: 最後に撮った写真は何ですか?
(What Is the Last Photo You Took?)
Day 23: 日記をつけることはあなたにとって良いと思いますか?
(Do You Think Journaling or Doing a Diary Is Good for You?)
Day 24: 一日の中で一番嫌いな時間帯は何ですか?
(What Is Your Least Favorite Part of the Day?)
Day 25: あなたのファッションスタイルはどんな感じですか?
(What Kind of Fashion Style Do You Have?)
Day 26: 国際ニュースを見るのは好きですか?
(Do You Like Watching International News?)
Day 27: 今週あなたを笑顔にさせた5つのことを挙げてください。
(Can You Name 5 Things That Made You Smile This Week?)
Day 28: あなたにとって美しいものは何ですか?
(Tell Me Something That Is Beautiful to You.)
Day 29: あなたの国でトリック・オア・トリートは家族にとって楽しいと思いますか?
(Do You Think Trick or Treat Would Be Fun for Families in Your Country?)
Day 30: ハロウィンの仮装をしたことがありますか?
(Have You Ever Worn a Halloween Costume?)
(What do you think about Halloween?)
Day 1: 一番まずい料理は何でしたか?
(What Is the Worst Meal You Ever Cooked?)
The worst meal I ever cooked was probably when I attempted to make a complicated French dish for my husband's birthday, but it ended up burnt and flavorless. I didn't follow the recipe closely enough and didn't have the skills to salvage it. It was a disappointing experience for both of us.
Day2: 父方の祖父母について教えてください。
(Tell Me About Your Grandparent on Your Father’s Side.)
My grandfather on my father's side was a kind and hardworking man who always had a gentle smile on his face. He worked as a farmer for most of his life and taught me the value of perseverance and humility. Sadly, he passed away when I was young, but his lessons and love remain deeply ingrained in my heart.
(Do You Go to a Hair Salon Often?)
I don't go to the hair salon very often, maybe once every few months for a trim or a special occasion hairstyle. As a busy homemaker, I often prefer simple hairstyles that I can manage at home. However, I do enjoy treating myself to a professional styling session occasionally.
(What Was the Worst Date You Ever Been On?)
(Have You Ever Done Volunteer Work?)
(Where Is Your Favorite Place in the Fall Season?)
(Tell Me About Your Grandparents on Your Mother’s Side.)
My grandparents on my mother's side were loving and nurturing individuals who cherished family above all else. They lived in a small town and were deeply involved in the community, always ready to lend a helping hand. Sadly, they have passed away, but their warmth and wisdom continue to inspire me every day.
I feel nervous when I have to speak English with native speakers because I'm afraid of making mistakes. Also, being in crowded places makes me nervous sometimes. Lastly, I get nervous when I have to confront difficult situations or make important decisions.
(When Was the Last Time Someone Helped You?)
The last time someone helped me was yesterday when my neighbor kindly offered to babysit my children while I had to run some errands. It was really helpful and I appreciated their support a lot.
(What Is Something You Never Want to Own?)
(Are You Similar to One or Both of Your Parents?)
(If You Wrote a Book, What Would It Be About?)
(What Sports Did You Play When You Were a Kid?)
(Do You Have a Pet Peeve?)
(Do You Prefer Coffee or Tea? Why?)
I prefer tea because of its diverse flavors and gentler caffeine boost compared to coffee. Brewing tea is also a calming ritual for me, providing a moment of relaxation in my daily routine.
(What Kind of School Lunches Did You Have When You Were a Kid?)
(Did You Have a Favorite Book When You Were a Kid?)
(What Are Three Things Your Father Likes?)
Day21: あなたに自信を持たせるものは何ですか?
(What Makes You Feel Confident?)
(What Is the Last Photo You Took?)
(Do You Think Journaling or Doing a Diary Is Good for You?)
(What Is Your Least Favorite Part of the Day?)
(What Kind of Fashion Style Do You Have?)
(Do You Like Watching International News?)
(Can You Name 5 Things That Made You Smile This Week?)
(Tell Me Something That Is Beautiful to You.)
Cherry blossoms blooming in spring are incredibly beautiful to me. Their delicate pink petals against the backdrop of blue skies symbolize renewal and the fleeting nature of life. Witnessing them in full bloom brings a sense of joy and appreciation for nature's beauty.
(Do You Think Trick or Treat Would Be Fun for Families in Your Country?)
Yes, I think trick or treat could be fun for families in my country. It could be an opportunity for families to engage in a playful activity together and create memorable experiences. Additionally, it might encourage creativity in costume-making and foster a sense of community spirit.