

「Theme:〇〇〇」と英語のテーマを読み上げてから内容を録音し 北米ネイティブの先生に添削してもらおう!
Day 1: 何で記憶されたいと思いますか? (What Do You Want to Be Remembered For?) Day 2: イマジナリーフレンドはいたことがありますか? (Did You Ever Have an Imaginary Friend?) Day 3: お母さんとの関係はどうですか? (What Is Your Relationship Like with Your Mother?) Day 4: 正直でいることは悪いことですか? (Is It Ever Bad to Be Honest?) Day 5: お気に入りのクリスマス映画は何ですか? (What Is Your Favorite Holiday Movie?) Day 6: 運を信じますか? (Do You Believe in Luck?) Day 7: あなたの好きな言葉は?
(What Is Your Favorite Quote?) Day 8: クリスマスの計画はありますか?
(Do You Have Any Christmas Plans?) Day 9: お気に入りの休日は何ですか?
(What Is Your Favorite Holiday?) Day 10: 今日の最高と最低は?
(What Was the High and Low of Your Day?)
Day 11: あなたを安心させるものは何ですか? (What Makes You Feel Safe?) Day 12: 最後に手紙を書いたのはいつですか? (When Was the Last Time You Wrote a Physical Letter?) Day 13: 子供の頃にもらったクリスマスプレゼントについて教えてください。 (Tell Me About a Christmas Gift You Got as a Kid.) Day 14: あなたにとって最も重要なことは? (What Matters Most to You?) Day 15: どのように学習を見直すのが良いですか? (How Do You Like to Review Your Studies?) Day 16:やってみたいことは? (What New Thing Do You Want to Try?) Day 17: 今月はこれまでどうでしたか? (How Is This Month Going So Far for You?) Day 18: ホリデーシーズンについて、どのような考えや感情をお持ちですか? (What Are Your Thoughts or Feelings About the Holiday Season?) Day 19: 今年で学んだ最も価値のある教訓は何ですか? (What Is the Most Valuable Lesson You Learned This Year?) Day 20: 2023年を一言または一文でどう表現しますか? (In One Word or One Sentence, How Would You Describe Your 2023?)
Day 21: 2024年に何を楽しみにしていますか? (What Are You Looking Forward to in 2024?) Day 22: 体型についての考えはどうですか? (What Are Your Thoughts on Your Body Image?) Day 23: クリスマス/年末年始に外国に旅行しますか?もしそうなら、どこに行きますか? (Would You Travel to a Foreign Country for Christmas/New Year? If Yes, Where?) Day 24: あなたにとって、冬は何が一番好きですか? (What Is the Best Thing About Winter to You?) Day 25: 来年、もっと実践したい会話とは?
(What Kind of Conversation Do You Want to Practice More Next Year?) Day 26: 今年の中で一番好きな月は何ですか?
(Which Month Was Your Favorite This Year?) Day 27: 今年は速く感じましたか?
(Did It Feel Like This Year Went By Fast to You?) Day 28: 来年の言語の目標は何ですか?
(What Are Your Language Goals Next Year?) Day 29: 子供の頃の新年の思い出はありますか? (Do You Remember a New Year's Memory When You Were a Kid?) Day 30: 今年の思い出は?
(What Do You Want to Remember From This Year?) Day 31: 2024年の抱負は何ですか?
(What Is Your 2024 New Year Resolution?)
Day 1: 何で記憶されたいと思いますか? (What Do You Want to Be Remembered For?)
Day2:イマジナリーフレンドはいたことがありますか? (Did You Ever Have an Imaginary Friend?)
Day3: お母さんとの関係はどうですか? (What Is Your Relationship Like with Your Mother?)
Day4:正直でいることは悪いことですか? (Is It Ever Bad to Be Honest?)
Day5:お気に入りのクリスマス映画は何ですか? (What Is Your Favorite Holiday Movie?)
Day6:運を信じますか? (Do You Believe in Luck?)
(What Is Your Favorite Quote?)
(Do You Have Any Christmas Plans?)
(What Is Your Favorite Holiday?)
My favorite holiday is New Year's Day. It's a time for reflection, spending quality time with family, and setting goals for the upcoming year. Plus, I enjoy the traditional Japanese New Year's celebrations, like eating osechi ryori (traditional Japanese New Year's dishes) and visiting shrines for hatsumode (the first shrine visit of the year).
(What Was the High and Low of Your Day?)
High: Spending quality time with my family and enjoying a delicious homemade dinner together.
Low: Dealing with a minor household accident when a glass jar slipped from my hands and broke in the kitchen.
Day11:あなたを安心させるものは何ですか? (What Makes You Feel Safe?)
Being surrounded by my loved ones, knowing that they are there to support and care for me, makes me feel safe. Additionally, having a stable home environment and a sense of routine contribute to my feeling of safety and security.
Day12:最後に手紙を書いたのはいつですか? (When Was the Last Time You Wrote a Physical Letter?)
The last time I wrote a physical letter was about two months ago. I wrote a letter to my grandmother who lives in a rural area and doesn't have access to email or messaging apps. It was nice to take the time to write down my thoughts and send her a heartfelt message.
Day13:子供の頃にもらったクリスマスプレゼントについて教えてください。 (Tell Me About a Christmas Gift You Got as a Kid.)
When I was a kid, I received a beautiful music box as a Christmas gift. It played a soothing melody and had a ballerina figurine that danced when the lid was opened. It was a cherished gift that brought me joy every time I used it.
Day14:あなたにとって最も重要なことは? (What Matters Most to You?)
What matters most to me is the well-being and happiness of my family. Their love and support are the pillars of my life, and seeing them thrive brings me immense joy and fulfillment.
Day15:どのように学習を見直すのが良いですか? (How Do You Like to Review Your Studies?)
I like to review my studies by practicing speaking with friends , watching English movies or TV shows with subtitles, and using language learning apps or online resources for exercises and quizzes.
Day16:やってみたいことは? (What New Thing Do You Want to Try?)
I want to try learning to cook a new cuisine, such as Italian or Thai, to expand my culinary skills and explore different flavors. It would be exciting to experiment with new ingredients and cooking techniques in the kitchen.
Day17:今月はこれまでどうでしたか? (How Is This Month Going So Far for You?)
Day18:ホリデーシーズンについて、どのような考えや感情をお持ちですか? (What Are Your Thoughts or Feelings About the Holiday Season?)
I love the holiday season because it's a time for family gatherings, festive decorations, and spreading joy. It's a time to appreciate the people we love and reflect on the blessings we have received throughout the year.
Day19:今年で学んだ最も価値のある教訓は何ですか? (What Is the Most Valuable Lesson You Learned This Year?)
The most valuable lesson I learned this year is the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. Life is full of ups and downs, but being able to bounce back and adjust to new circumstances is crucial for growth and success.
Day20: 2023年を一言または一文でどう表現しますか? (In One Word or One Sentence, How Would You Describe Your 2023?)
My 2023 was transformative, filled with growth and new experiences.
Day21:2024年に何を楽しみにしていますか? (What Are You Looking Forward to in 2024?)
In 2024, I'm really looking forward to improving my English skills further and perhaps taking an advanced course. It's been a rewarding journey so far, and I'm eager to continue learning and growing. 2024年には、さらに英語力を向上させることと、もしかしたら上級コースを受講することを楽しみにしています。これまでもやりがいがありましたが、学び続けて成長することを心待ちにしています。
Day22: 体型についての考えはどうですか? (What Are Your Thoughts on Your Body Image?)
As a 30-year-old Japanese woman, I've learned to embrace my body image more positively. Instead of focusing on flaws, I try to appreciate the uniqueness and strength of my body. 30歳の日本人女性として、自分の体型についてより肯定的に受け入れるようになりました。欠点に焦点を当てるのではなく、自分の体の個性や強さを感謝しようとしています。
Day23:クリスマス/年末年始に外国に旅行しますか?もしそうなら、どこに行きますか? (Would You Travel to a Foreign Country for Christmas/New Year? If Yes, Where?)
Day24:あなたにとって、冬は何が一番好きですか? (What Is the Best Thing About Winter to You?)
(What Kind of Conversation Do You Want to Practice More Next Year?)
Day26: 今年の中で一番好きな月は何ですか?
(Which Month Was Your Favorite This Year?)
(Did It Feel Like This Year Went By Fast to You?)
(What Are Your Language Goals Next Year?)
Day29:子供の頃の新年の思い出はありますか? (Do You Remember a New Year's Memory When You Were a Kid?)
(What Do You Want to Remember From This Year?)
Day 31: 2024年の抱負は何ですか?
(What Is Your 2024 New Year Resolution?)