Day 1: 9月の計画について
(About September Plans)
Day 2: 今月、どこかに行きたいですか?
(Do You Want to Go Anywhere This Month?)
Day 3: 最後の診察は何のためでしたか?
(What Was Your Last Doctor’s Appointment For?)
Day 4: 今日行った3つのことを挙げてください。
(Name 3 Things That You Did Today.)
Day 5: 最後にあなたを罪悪感に陥れたことは何でしたか?
(What Is the Last Thing That Made You Feel Guilty?)
Day 6: 今、あなたの生活を楽にするものは何ですか?
(What Would Make Your Life Easier Right Now?)
Day 7: あなたのお気に入りのガジェット(または技術デバイス)は何ですか?
(What Is Your Favorite Gadget or Technological Device?)
Day 8: 今日はストレスを感じましたか?なぜですか?
(Were You Stressed Today? Why?)
Day 9: 今日はどのように自由な時間を過ごしましたか?
(How Did You Spend Your Free Time Today?)
Day 10: 最後に他の人に言ったことは何でしたか?
(What Was the Last Thing You Said to Another Person?)
Day 11: 最後にパーティーに行ったのはいつでしたか?
(When Was the Last Time You Went to a Party?)
Day 12: 今日一日、完璧だったことは?
(What Went Perfectly About Your Day?)
Day 13: 何歳くらいに感じますか?
(How Old Do You Feel?)
Day 14: 最後に受け取ったギフトは何でしたか?
(What Was the Last Gift You Received?)
Day 15:聞き上手になるための秘訣とは?
(What Makes a Good Listener?)
Day 16: 今日は退屈しましたか?
(Were You Bored Today?)
Day 17: 今日聞いた中で一番面白いことは何でしたか?
(What Was the Funniest Thing You Heard Today?)
Day 18: もし新しい才能を持てるなら、何が欲しいですか?
(If You Could Have a New Talent, What Would You Want?)
Day 19: もし今日一人の人の心を読むことができるなら、誰を選びますか?
(If You Could Read One Person’s Mind Today, Who Would You Choose?)
Day 20: 今日最後にした会話は何でしたか?
(What Was the Last Conversation You Had Today?)
Day 21: 何があなたを悲しませますか?
(What Makes You Sad?)
Day 22: あなたは誰を最も信頼していますか?なぜですか?
(Who Do You Trust the Most? Why?)
Day 23: 今日はどこに行きましたか?
(Where Did You Go Today?)
Day 24: 最後に踊ったのはいつでしたか?
(When Was the Last Time You Danced?)
Day 25: 今日は何を着ましたか?
(What Did You Wear Today?)
Day 26: 今日誰かを心配しましたか?
(Who Did You Worry About Today?)
Day 27: あなたは誰かに嫉妬していますか?
(Who Are You Jealous Of?)
Day 28: 今月に感謝していることを3つ挙げてください。
(Can You Name 3 Things You Are Thankful for This Month?)
Day 29: 今日、あなたを笑顔にしたものは?
(What Made You Smile Today?)
Day 30: 9月はどうでしたか?全体的に良かったですか、それとも悪かったですか?(How Did Your September Go? Was It Overall a Good or Bad Month?)
Day 1: 9月の計画について
(About September Plans)
Day 2: 今月、どこかに行きたいですか?
(Do You Want to Go Anywhere This Month?)
Day3: 最後の診察は何のためでしたか?
(What Was Your Last Doctor’s Appointment For?)
(Name 3 Things That You Did Today.)
(What Is the Last Thing That Made You Feel Guilty?)
(What Would Make Your Life Easier Right Now?)
(What Is Your Favorite Gadget or Technological Device?)
(Were You Stressed Today? Why?)
(How Did You Spend Your Free Time Today?)
(What Was the Last Thing You Said to Another Person?)
(When Was the Last Time You Went to a Party?)
The last time I went to a party was about a year ago before the pandemic started. It was a friend's birthday celebration, and we had a great time chatting, dancing, and enjoying delicious food. I miss those gatherings and look forward to attending parties again once it's safe.
(What Went Perfectly About Your Day?)
Today, everything seemed to go perfectly, from completing my household chores efficiently to having a delightful conversation with a friend over tea. The peaceful atmosphere at home and the little moments of joy made the day feel truly fulfilling.
(How Old Do You Feel?)
I feel like I'm still in my twenties. Engaging in language learning and managing a household keeps me active and youthful. However, some days, the responsibilities of being a homemaker can make me feel older than my age.
Day14: 最後に受け取ったギフトは何でしたか?
(What Was the Last Gift You Received?)
The last gift I received was a beautiful handmade scarf from my children for my birthday. It was a thoughtful gift that I truly appreciated. It made me feel loved and cherished by my family.
(What Makes a Good Listener?)
A good listener is someone who gives their full attention to the speaker, without interrupting or judging. They show empathy and understanding, and ask relevant questions to clarify their understanding of what's being said.
No, I wasn't bored today. I had a busy day taking care of household chores, spending time with my family, and pursuing my hobbies. There's always something to do, so boredom rarely finds its way into my routine.
(What Was the Funniest Thing You Heard Today?)
The funniest thing I heard today was my youngest child telling a silly joke during dinner. It made the whole family burst into laughter, lightening up the atmosphere. It's moments like these that make our days brighter and more enjoyable.
(If You Could Have a New Talent, What Would You Want?)
If I could have a new talent, I would love to be able to play a musical instrument, like the piano or guitar. Music has always been something I admire, and being able to create it myself would bring me so much joy. It would also be a wonderful way to bond with my family through music.
(If You Could Read One Person’s Mind Today, Who Would You Choose?)
If I could read one person's mind today, I would choose my spouse. Understanding their thoughts and feelings on a deeper level would strengthen our relationship and enhance our communication. It would help us better support each other and navigate life's challenges together.
(What Was the Last Conversation You Had Today?)
The last conversation I had today was with my children about their day at school. We talked about their lessons, any interesting events, and plans for the evening. It's always a joy to hear about their experiences and connect with them after a day apart.
What makes me sad is seeing my children struggle or feel unhappy. Their well-being is my top priority, and it hurts me to see them in any kind of distress. Additionally, witnessing injustices or suffering in the world can also deeply affect my emotions.
Day22: あなたは誰を最も信頼していますか?なぜですか?
(Who Do You Trust the Most? Why?)
The person I trust the most is my spouse. We've built a strong bond over the years based on mutual respect, understanding, and support. They're always there for me through thick and thin, and I can confide in them about anything.
Today, I went to the supermarket to do some grocery shopping for the family. Afterwards, I took my children to the park for some outdoor playtime. It was a nice way to spend quality time together as a family.
(When Was the Last Time You Danced?)
The last time I danced was last weekend during a family gathering. We had a small celebration at home, and we put on some music to dance together. It was a fun and joyful moment that we all enjoyed.
Today, I wore a comfortable sweater and jeans while doing household chores and taking care of my family. Later in the day, I changed into a casual dress for a brief outing with my children. Comfort is key for me, especially when balancing various tasks throughout the day.
(Who Did You Worry About Today?)
Today, I worried about my eldest child who had an important test at school. I wanted them to do well and feel confident, so I offered support and encouragement throughout the day. Their success and happiness are always on my mind.
I don't find myself feeling jealous of anyone. I believe in focusing on my own path and being grateful for what I have. Comparing myself to others in a negative light only leads to unnecessary stress and discontentment.
(Can You Name 3 Things You Are Thankful for This Month?)
This month, I am thankful for the health and well-being of my family, the opportunity to pursue my passion for language learning, and the support and love we share as a family. These blessings enrich my life and remind me of the abundance of gratitude in my heart.
(What Made You Smile Today?)
Today, what made me smile was seeing my children playing happily together in the backyard. Their laughter and joy are infectious, and witnessing their bond warms my heart. Moments like these remind me of the simple joys of family life.